Clinical and Research Ethics

The Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy supports UM's educational, clinical and research missions by providing a range of ethics services. From contributing to institutional ethics committees to curriculum development to providing teaching and learning opportunities in research ethics for UM faculty, staff, students, visitors, and community members, the Institute is a universal donor to the institution's missions.

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The Dialogues in Research Ethics (DRE) series provides an opportunity for UM faculty, staff, students, visitors and members of the community to exchange ideas about ethical issues.
The Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy contributes to institutional ethics processes at a range of South Florida health care organizations.

The Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment or POLST form is designed to foster improved communication and increase clarity about patients’ preferences regarding end-of-life care.  

The Institute for Bioethics’ Research Ethics Consultation Service (RECS) is a free resource for researchers at UM who find themselves confronting an ethical issue or question during research.  

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) education is required for UM affiliates who are involved in research and supported by NIH or NSF funds.  
Theresa Marie Schiavo was in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years before she died. A dispute between her husband and her parents produced what is one of the most important end-of-life case.  