Grants and Funded Projects

image of globeThe University of Miami Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy has received or contributed to a variety of grants for special projects. Those projects on which we have served as principle investigator (PI) are designated.

  • 2024-2029

Research Ethics Training in Latin America (RETAMA) Program in collaboration with the Univesidad Cayetano Heredia and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

  • 2022-2023

IUCRC Planning Proposal Grant University of Miami: Center for Standards and Ethics in Artificial Intelligence CSEAI, NSF

  • 2021-2023

Development and Proof-of-Concept Implementation of the South Florida Miami RADx-rad SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater-Based Surveillance Infrastructure, NIH.

  • 2020

Covid-19: Ethics, Computing, and Resource Allocation.  A Global Capacity-Building Project, WHO (PI).

  • 2020-2021

Inventory and Analyses of Latin American Policies on Research Integrity, U.S. Office of Research Integrity, ORI (PI).

  • 2019-2021

Second Inter-American Encounter on Scientific Integrity, U.S. Office of Research Integrity, ORI (PI).

  • 2016-2017

Inter-American Encounter on Scientific Integrity, U.S. Office of Research Integrity, ORI (PI).

  • 2013-2015

Social media as an interactive educational medium for quality-of-life issues, Alpha-1 Foundation.

  • 2009-2011

A Targeted Decision Aid to Improve Minority Participation in Clinical Trials, NIH, NCMHD/NCI.

  • 2008-2014 

Pan American Bioethics Initiative (research ethics in Latin America and the Caribbean), NIH, Fogarty (PI).

  • 2006-2009

Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, Project HealthDesign (on personal health records), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (PI).

  • 2006

Ethics and guardianship online curriculum, Florida Department of Elder Affairs, Office of the Statewide Public Guardian (PI).

  • 2006

CITI Course in the Responsible Conduct of Research – Part B, NIH, Office of Research Integrity (PI).

  • 2005

    The Children's Trust (in support of annual bioethics conference).
  • 2004-2007

Vector-Borne Disease Control in Urban Environments, NIH.

  • 2004-2007

Optimizing HIV/TB Management in the HAART Era, NIH Fogarty.

  • 2002-2005

Fellowship in Clinical Research, NIH.

  • 2000-2007

Atmospheric and Marine-Based Interdisciplinary Environmental Health Training Project, NIH, NIEHS.

  • 2000-2002

Community-State Partnerships to Improve Care of the Dying, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

  • 1999-2002

Health Careers Motivation Program, Health Resources and Services Administration.

  • 1999-2002

 Difficult Challenges in Human Subjects Research, NIH, NIAID (PI).

  • 1998-2001

Undergraduate Medical Education for the 21st Century, Health Resources and Services Administration and American Association of Colleges of Medicine.

  • 1994-1998

Precollege Health Science Outreach Project, NIH, National Center for Research Resources with supplementary support from Miami-Dade County Public Schools (PI).
