

Law Name

Ley N. 1682 Que Reglamenta la Información de Carácter Privado (2001)

Link to the Law

Data Transfer

No information is provided.

Data Sharing

Everyone has the right to collect, use and process personal data for private use. Public databases are available to everyone. Collecting, processing and publishing personal and sensitive data is allowed for scientific, statistical, matters of public opinion or market studies as long as the individual remains anonymous.

Data Retention

The data subject or their guardian has the right to access private data.


The agency responsible of databases must actualize data within two days of notification. Data that is irrelevant or a violation of the law should be eliminated.


The “Juzgado en lo Civil y Comercial” fines and imposes sanctions when there are infractions.

Breach Notification

The sanctions that are imposed and which breaches or infractions qualify are stated in the law and there is no concrete data on how much of a fine will be given.

Health Privacy Law

Ley N. 836 De Código Sanitario

This Health Law is broken down into different parts detailing the responsibilities of the citizen as well as of the government to protect health and health rights. Consent must be given in order to process information or to do investigations on an individual and their data.

Electronic Health Records Law

MHCD N. 1779 (2016), Proyecto de Ley “Que Crea la Historia Clínica Electrónica y el Registro Nacional de Historias Clínicas Electrónicas”

This law was created in order to establish a governing body that will deal with technical and administrative duties regarding EHR.


This is a pretty basic data protection law that is very brief; it also seems to deal much more with economic and fiscal transparencies and security. Sensitive data, which includes health data, was briefly mentioned.
